Meet Bojan, the CEO of Softerrific

After 10+ years in the industry as a Senior Python developer and AWS Solution Architect (AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate), I saw it all. There are usually three scenarios.

People have software ideas, but never act upon them because of skills or uncertainty.
If they act upon them, it takes too long because there’s always something more important to work on.
There’s an abundance of new ideas. Especially in AI. This causes brain fog.

That’s where I step in with my team. We help companies turn AI ideas into prototypes, PoCs, MVPs, or fully functional products – but also help them recognize what ideas are worth pursuing.

We also happily consult and lead internal AI/ML/Software Development teams.

Our work has been proven to either make (or save!) millions on AI-based software development and deployment.

You tell us what you need, we take over the rest.

Bojan Softerrific

Sharing knowledge about machine learning in our spare time

Stop presenting decks. Present the AI look and feel.

Schedule a coffee here today, tell us your AI idea and we’ll take it from there to your very first prototype.


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